News Interview

3 questions for Amaury Flotat about the campus transformation

Amaury Flotat, president of JUNIA, tells us about the new campus and the philosophy around it.

Does changing the campus mean changing our model ?
We’re changing our aesthetics, not our philosophy! In the future, as in the past, our role will be to train humanist, socially responsible, entrepreneurial, committed, imaginative, and motivated engineers. Professionals with solid values, capable of balancing scientific and technical demands, economic efficiency, and a sense of compassion.

The vast renovation of the campus represents a transformation; the bricks and mortar evolve and adapt, but the values remain untouched. The choice to remain in the heart of the district where the oldest of our schools was founded in 1885, close to the Catholic University, our historical links with which have never been forgotten, is in itself a clear statement: our essence is not changing.

a projection of the future Palais Rameau after the construction work

What possibilities will the new campus open up?
It will provide us with new resources to serve our three core activities: training, research, and corporate services. From the outside, people assume all too often that the work of a group like JUNIA is limited to training young engineers. But that’s just one part of our mission.

By building a modern, smart, sustainable, and welcoming campus, each of these three components becomes more meaningful and effective.

We will welcome the students, researchers, and professionals to whom we offer our services in suitable, comfortable locations that live up to our ambition: to become a benchmark player in European higher education in the field of engineering sciences, with all disciplines combined.

“The campus is changing but our values remain the same.”

Amaury Flotat President of JUNIA

You wanted a campus open to its neighbourhood and its environment. Why is that?
At a time when scientific culture is sometimes challenged, it is important to assume a role of scientific mediation. You might even call it a civic duty! Our schools have an advantage: the work and research carried out here is designed to lead to concrete applications with visible effects. With the help of our testing grounds and some symbolic buildings, we seek not only to showcase our excellence and ability to innovate, but also to open a permanent dialogue with those who live or work locally. It’s a way of involving everyone in an enormous collaborative thought process, and the design of the buildings we renovate or construct will reflect this intention.

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