Testimony Teacher's word

Professor D’Haene Eline, from Ghent University was visiting JUNIA on the 18th and 19th of September to teach introduction to Agroecology to our students as part of the Erasmus+ Program.

partner universities

Who are you?
I’m Eline D’Haene and I work and teach at Ghent University within the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. I’m mostly teaching to master students following our agricultural programs. In these lectures, we discuss various sustainability issues within agricultural and food systems, with a particular focus on social and economic sustainability

What was the purpose of your visit at JUNIA?
I travelled to JUNIA ISA to give a 1,5 day lecture and introduction to agroecology for students following JUNIA’s Agricultural Science program, Specialisation Sustainable Agriculture and Smart Farming.

And a few words about your overall experience at Junia and what it can lead to.
I enjoyed travelling to Lille and JUNIA to talk and exchange about agroecology. I think it is important that we (continue to) share knowledge across several programs and universities. It was enriching experience, also for me!


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