News BDE Campaign

A week of JUNIA BDE Campaigns

From March 28 to April 5, our students organized BDE (Students' Office) Campaigns for the school year 2023-2024.

Student Life

Every year, our students JUNIA HEI, ISA and ISEN are holding several events inside each building in the context of the creation of a new students' office for the upcoming academic year.


2023-2024 campaign

It happened in two days for ISA (March 28 – 30), 2 lists were defending their program.

  • Supernov’AE
  • Atlantid’AE

It was an entertaining week for the students: meals, lotteries, treasure hunts, afterworks, bingos…

Atlantid’Ae is the winner of this election and becomes the 2023-2024 student association.

A special thanks to Racing’AE which has been so great this year!


2023-2024 BDE campaign

The ISEN campaign lasted 3 days (April 3 – 5).

We had: breafast, snacks, meals, quizzes, laser games and afterworks.

Congratulations Galact’isen for your investment. We cannot wait to see what you are preparing for the next academic year!

We would like to thank N’isen’do which has been this year’s BDE


2023-2024 BDE Campaign

Du 30 mars au 1 avril, c’était la campagne BDE 2023-2024 à JUNIA HEI !

2 lists were in competition for 3 days (March 30 – April 1):

  • Skyrunnheirs
  • Invheirsea

Several events were oganized: Live programs, goodies distribution, challenges, games, afterworks and parties.

Congratulations Skyrunnheirs for winning this election and becoming the 2023-2024  BDE!

Thanks Subtheilys for this year!