News Visit

Closing of an Erasmus + week

Last week, 60 Erasmus partners came to visit.


Last week, we were glad to welcome our Erasmus parnters on the occasion of the International Erasmus+ week, co-organized by the Catholic University of Lille.

An intercultural week!

Around 60 participants, coming from 20 different country, took part of this international week.

This year, the commun thread was «  The educational innovation and the sustainable development ». The offered program ws very rich: several activities and training sessions on educational innovation, round table discussions concerning sustainable development project, cultural and linguistic workshops ateliers culturels and free time for everyone to discuss and enlarge their networks.

These Erasmus mobilities are essential and rewarding not only for the JUNIA staff but also for students.

The occasion to sign a nex partnership

We took advantage of our partners’ visit to sign the opening of a new double degree with the American University of Science and Technology, AUST, in Beyrouth and their engineering and computer science faculty.

The implementation of a double degree with AUST will certainly open new doors to lebanese students enrolled at JUNIA, professionally and personnally.

A huge thanks to our partners for this beautiful week.