Career Center and Employment

Career Center and Employment

JUNIA’s Career Center was created to accompany our students on their way to employment and throughout their career

Students walking in the building

JUNIA’s Career Center was created to accompany our students on their way to employment and throughout their career by helping them develop their professional goals, supporting their search for the right internship, and offering frequent interaction with business partners. These actions and resources complement the support provided by academic affairs, international student services. By working closely with businesses, the Career Center helps synchronize our students’ professional goals with the needs of our corporate partners.

Discover all the ways your business can collaborate with our students and alumni.

Meet Our Students

Business Forums, recruitment fairs, conferences... Discover all our events that bring students and businesses together to help you recruit your future employees or develop your employer brand.

Innovate with Our Students

Are you looking to launch a new project and need some support? Discover the different types of collaborative projects offered in the framework of our academic programs. Our students, led by their professors, will respond to your business’ needs.

Work with Our Students

In the framework of their studies at JUNIA, your business can employ our students while they learn through a variety of mutually beneficial arrangements.

Learn more >


All of JUNIA’s academic programs include integrated internship periods, so we always have students looking for a hands-on professional experience of varying lengths and skill levels. Share your internship offers with our Career Center.

group of students in a lab

Professionalisation Contract

A professionalisation contract allows JUNIA students in their final year to undertake block release training, splitting their time between your business and their courses for a period of 12 to 20 months.

students with a computer

Apprenticeship Contract

Some academic programs at JUNIA can be completed as a sandwich course apprenticeship over 3 years. This option is for businesses looking to recruit for long-term projects and to have a direct role in shaping the student’s professional skills.

Submit an Offer

Share your internship and job offers with our Career Center to recruit a student or alumnus for your open positions. Share your offer on our “Job teaser” platform.

students working in group with computers
Junior Enterprise
Students of Junia's Junior Enbtreprise working together

JUNIA's Junior Enterprises

Want our students to help with your project? Our Junior Businesses allow you to benefit from JUNIA’s expertise in numerous areas. Take advantage of our students’ technical skills, professionalism, and partnership network.

What is a Junior Enterprise?

A junior enterprise (JE) is a nonprofit organisation established and executed by students of a university offering services to businesses. There are several advantages to working with JUNIA’s JEs:

  • The support of expert faculty in diverse sectors
  • Experienced supervisors to keep up with the project
  • Active participation in our students’ professionalisation
  • Benefit of qualified professionals for a reduced fee


The French National Confederation of Junior Enterprises (CNJE), which includes 180 French JEs, ensures coherence and quality of the services offered by these associations thanks to annual audits. The CNJE also supports and promotes the JEs.

A JE for every business!

JUNIA’s JEs offer services corresponding to our diverse study options in each program: HEI, ISA, ISEN. The services are also adaptable to any size business from a start-up to a multinational corporation. Each of our programs coordinate JE services in a variety of areas:

ISEN Concept

The JE coordinated within our digital and information technology program, ISEN, undertake projects in:
-Software and web development
-Innovation and codesign


Students in our general engineering program HEI, offer services in:
-Building, Public Works and Architecture
-Conception and Mechanical Engineering
-Strategy and Performance
-Digital Technology
-Automation and Robotics


JUNIA’s life sciences engineering students take on projects in the fields of:
-Environmental Science

JUNIA Alumni

Are you an alumnus of JUNIA? Join our alumni network to find other JUNIA alumni near you and take advantage of global meetups, conferences, job boards, and other cooperative opportunities.

Career Center