News Student Life

International Welcome Session - January 2023

The first week of January was dedicated to welcoming our international students at JUNIA for the next semester.

Student Life
50 more students joined us for the next semester
We welcomed 50 more international students for this academic year 2022-2023, 300 students are already studying at JUNIA since August.
This time, students are coming from 20 different countries (Argentina, South Korea, Georgia, etc.)
We wish them a great experience here in Lille, at JUNIA!

A week to discover JUNIA

This past week was full of international events.

We had a Welcome breakfast on Tuesday morning before a presentation of our engineering school.

During the day, international students were invited to do a campus tour to get acquainted with JUNIA.

The main event on Wednesday was “La Galette des Rois” which is a traditional french apple pie we eat on the first week of January.

The end of the week was dedicated to administrative workshops and academic meetings.

Students are now ready to start this new semester serenely!

See the JUNIA Welcome Session video - September 2022