News Event

JUNIA Evening, 3rd edition

The JUNIA Evening was held on Saturday March 11 in Lille Grand Palais. This event is fully organized by the students' associations.

Student Life
JUNIA Evening 2023

A sold out event

About 1500 people were attending the show that was prepared by the students.

Sold out way before the day of the event, the 2023 theme was “The Oscars”.

Students, parents, and JUNIA’s staff were there to attend the show.

About the associations

Danse, Music, Danse, Theatre, Cheerleading...

12 JUNIA Students associations participated to the show this year.

The event opened with the band Intermezzo, followed by Unizik, MusISA and Vinyle Club. We also could watch Danse Moderne JUNIA, Rock N’JUNIA dancing as well as the cheerleading associations : Navy Cheers, cheers ISA et ISEN. 

Congratulations to all the participants and also to the winner of JUNIA’s Got Talent, for her great performance of rhytmic gymnastics and a special thanks to Hair&Makeup JUNIA for making our students look stunning!


The second part of the evening

Right after the show, everyone had some snacks and drink.

3 DJs were there until the end of the night: Møme, UPSILON and Sound of Legend !

Thank you Déclic, Flash ISA, Ink’ISEN for the photos!