General Engineering

General Engineering JUNIA HEI

HEI is a JUNIA program.

For more than 130 ans, HEI has been renewing its expertise everyday in order to train generalist engineers capable of meeting the societal and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow.

Training engineers of the future
Façade du bâtiment HEI
HEI: a JUNIA Graduate School of Engineering program

For two years now, HEI has been an integral part of the JUNIA engineering school alongside the ISA and ISEN (Lille) programs.

Whether it is in its pedagogy, in the training offered, in the research activities or in its major objectives, JUNIA is committed to contributing to the following major transitions:

  • Feeding the planet sustainably
  • Developing digital and industrial transformation
  • Accelerating the energy and urban transition
  • Strengthening health and well-being technologies
The issues of today and tomorrow at the heart of our teaching
HEI training courses

Discover HEI training courses: for our english-speaking students, HEI has 2 programs:

  • The International Preparatory Cycle (IPC) which is a 2-year program in which you will learn the basics in mechanical engineering and computer science. This program allows our students to study in one of our parnter university (Italy, USA, Thaïland, etc) for the 3rd year.
  • The Master of Science in Smart & Resilient Cities, a 2-year Master program in which you will tudy urban planning, technical management and energy analysis of buildings.


Undergraduate Program in English – Specialization in engineering

Discover our 100% English taught preparatory cycle. The program includes science, humanities and project management, with students having the chance to specialise in computer science or mechanics in the 2nd year.

Admission Level : High School Level Length of study : 2 or 3 years
Master of Science – Smart & Resilient Cities

The program includes urban planning, technical management and energy analysis of buildings.

Admission Level : Bachelor Level Length of study : 2 years
Accreditations & partners
Download our brochures

To learn more about the academics and degree offer at JUNIA, request our brochures.

HEI: a program based on 6 major axes

The innovation at the heart of our campuses

Proud of its history our program is now resolutely turned towards the future.

With its two modern campuses in Lille and Châteauroux, its fab labs and its innovative teaching methods (flipped classes, e-learning, serious games, site visits, meetings with engineers, etc.), HEI strives to be at the forefront in various fields.

Our teaching teams do everything possible to enable each student to build their professional and personal project in line with the expectations of companies.


Learn more about JUNIA's education innovation
portrait d'une ingénieure

Sciences, methods and technologies

They are the basis of the various engineering professions and are the common thread of the subjects taught. Each of the HEI courses offers students solid skills in the sciences, techniques and technologies in general.

They are taught in both lectures and tutorials, but students also develop their knowledge of these subjects by experimenting in projects and group work.

What is the engineer?
étudiantes en projet

A training course linked to the business world

In order to ensure the employability of our students, a focus on relations with companies is put in place. Project-based teaching plays an important role in the training program, involving subjects entrusted to us by the company whenever possible. Visits to construction sites or companies may also be part of the program.

The link with the business world is also established through internships or work-study programs, depending on the HEI program chosen.

Associations and student services also work to promote the professional integration of students. This is particularly true of the Prog’HEI junior company and the Career Center service.

Discover our Career Center
étudiants maniant des machines en entreprise

Our international approach

All of our courses aim to offer students a profile that is largely international in scope. This is why the pursuit of learning two modern languages is essential. Some courses are taught 100% in English!

International experience is also valued and even mandatory. They can take the form of university exchanges for a semester or a year, internships, humanitarian projects or even student jobs.

The HEI program also welcomes students from all over the world: an unstoppable way to promote cultural openness.

International Experiences
groupe d'étudiants internationaux

HEI: a customized piecemeal training

Throughout their studies, students are required to make choices to personalize their career path and thus make them unique in the eyes of employers. By following the HEI program, you will be able to build a career path and a professional project that reflects you.

This personalization of your career path is done from the start, by choosing your internship companies, by getting involved in associations (sports, cultural, humanitarian…) or by carrying out projects that are close to your heart. The colorization of your curriculum also takes place in the 4th year when you will have to choose a professionalization field.

You are unique, your studies will be too.

groupe d'étudiants au parc
What's next?
Ecological transition Read our job descriptions
Building and Planning Read our job descriptions
Finance and entrepreneurship Read our job descriptions
HEI: an innovative education
étudiants en projet

In addition to the traditional courses, tutorials and practical work, HEI is committed to developing innovative teaching methods: role-playing, flipped classes, e-learning, serious games, use of digital tablets, site visits, company presentations, engineering meetings, European classes, MOOCs, etc.

Student life

Student associations, housing, university restaurants, social security, health insurance and local shops: students have access to a wide range of services. HEI makes it a point of honour to ensure that its students feel at home on the campus that welcomes them.

Our campuses provide students with multiple technological resources and an exceptional work environment. Educational laboratories, a Fablab, a Codesign center and co-eLAB project platforms, many places are dedicated to learning, creativity and technological innovation.

HEI campuses also have a rich community life. There are many associations to help students develop their skills. Arts, sports, music, oenology, radio, humanitarian aid, school support, entrepreneurship club, junior enterprise, the themes are varied. Associative commitment is strongly emphasized at HEI because it encourages students to take on responsibilities, to become independent, to exchange ideas, to be open to others and is an excellent preparation for life in the corporate world.

étudiants en balade
Network and partners
Evènements Junia - échanges et discussion

Our network

A bit of history

HEI's birth


First accreditation by the CTI (Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur)


Recognition by the State


Création of the HEI campus in Châteauroux with apprenticeships


Grouping of HEI with ISA and ISEN Lille under the name Yncréa Hauts-de-France


Renewal of the HEI diploma by the CTI (Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur) for a maximum period of 5 years


Yncréa Hauts-de-France becomes JUNIA

5 February 2025 - 6 February 2025 Junia International Job Dating 2025
Corporate Entreprises
21 November 2024 JUNIA corporate forum
15 March 2024 Mexico: Online information session
15 March 2024 Colombia: Online information session