our transitions our transitions
our transitions our transitions
our transitions our transitions
our transitions our transitions

Nourish the planet sustainably


Current estimates predict a global population of nearly 10 billion in 2050.

How can we feed, and nourish, 40% more inhabitants while reducing our environmental impact ?

Agriculture and food systems
Plants Research

Support our agriculture and food systems

The current situation is one of changing practices to more sustainable agriculture and food systems: new consumption habits, creating greener cities, alleviating climate change, production system initiatives led by agricultural actors, evolution of production methods, enrichment of agricultural and urban soils, and more.


The Role of Research

JUNIA researchers explore different avenues, from the management of polluted soils to the acceptability of new ways to eat. For example, our research teams look at new approaches to agricultural production which reduce or eliminate phytosanitary products while also considering the socioeconomic aspects brought on by these systemic changes. This work aims to contribute to sustainable, resilient and innovative agriculture that preserves biodiversity and enables health and sufficient nutrition for everyone.

Agriculture and Nutrition of Tomorrow

JUNIA’s ambition to contribute to this transition in a concrete way is expressed most clearly in the demonstrator “Agriculture and Nutrition of Tomorrow”, the impact of which will be amplified with the coming installation within the Palais Rameau in Lille. The objective will be to offer students, faculty, and business partners an ecosystem of research and development that favours discovering, reinventing and transforming issues of agriculture and nutrition: from the pitchfork to the fork!

laboratory manipulations
Student projects
students with a computer

Contribute to sustainably nourishing the planet

JUNIA graduate school of science and engineering trains future engineers to respond to current and future ecological challenges. This goal is met through education, but also through hands-on learning projects. Students take part in diverse group work opportunities on varied themes throughout their studies.

These projects are an opportunity for students to pursue their passions. Through research on improving processes, products, methods, or even proposing solutions to a specific problem, students work to rise to the current and future challenges of our society.

Related Academic Programs
Learn to sustainably nourish the planet

JUNIA Graduate School of Science and Engineering integrates this transition into the heart of our academic programs and offers several programs related to sustainable agriculture, animal well-being, and means of production that are more respectful of the environment.

Master of Science and Engineering- Food Science

This programs trains engineers specialized in the Sustainable Management of Food Production, or Quality Management Systems in the Agrofood industry.

Admission Level : Bachelor Level Length of study : 2 years
Master of Science and Engineering – Agricultural Science

General overview of Agricultural Science. Courses range from food chain theory and crop management to livestock and plant production

Admission Level : Bachelor Level Length of study : 2 years
Master of Science – Environmental Science

This program is designed to train future managers and scientists through a hands-on approach to gaining technical expertise in the sustainable management of polluted sites in an international context.

Admission Level : Bachelor Level Length of study : 2 years
Admission Level : Bachelor Level Length of study : 2 years
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