The University of transitions.
The ambition? To limit the University's carbon footprint and explore all the challenges of ecological and social transition in a collaborative way.
Facing the ecological challenges, the Université Catholique de Lille must take action. For almost 10 years now, our university made campuses transformations to turn them into life-size laboratories. We experiment on campus, drives best practice, deploys cross-functional projects and supports individual and collective initiatives. The ambition? To limit the University’s carbon footprint and explore all the challenges of ecological and social transition in a collaborative way.
Integrated to the Catholic University of Lille Campus, JUNIA is highly involved in the Live TREE program, meeting the Energy and Social Transition’s challenges via a technological research tested with demonstrators, and an interdisciplinary research with Human and Social Sciences.
In order to meet the goals set out, the University’s Live TREE program (Lille Vauban-Esquermes en Transition Energétique, Ecologique et Economique) de l’Université is organised in several thematics
These thematics allow us to meet a great number of UN’s sustainable development objectives.
As part of the « So MEL, So Connected » demonstrator project, subsidized by Ademe and hold by la MEL cooperating with Enedis, EDF and Intent, JUNIA HEI and Lille Catholic Institution are testing the testent lthe technical feasibility and profitability of self-consumption models in the non-residential sector with building-integrated photovoltaics, controlling loads including electric vehicle charging in private car parks.
Energy management methods developed by Réseaux du L2EP are being tested in real-life conditions thanks to a collaboration with IT researchers.
The H2020 e-balance+ project, named « Solutions d’équilibrage énergétique et de résilience pour créer de la flexibilité et de nouvelles perspectives économiques pour le réseau de distribution » is supported by 15 company and academic partners in 9 countries. It is coordinated by a Spanish company, Cemosa, and Lille Catholic University (JUNIA And Lille Catholic Institution) is one of the four project’s demonstrator. The demonstrator site in Lille is developed on a block of historic buildings belonging to the Université Catholique de Lille as part of the Live Tree program.
The ebalance+projetc aims to:
The experimentation within the demonstrators is controlled from the Junia Electrical Energy platform (EPMLab of the L2EP), which is the first stage in the development of the Internet of Energy on the University campus in the Vauban district.
Starting date: January 2023
Mobilisation and inclusion in the ecological transition of universities
Coord. ETHICS (ICL), Partners: Transition Explorers Chair (FGES, ICL), JUNIA, SciencesPo Lille (CERAPS), Université de Lille (CLERSÉ), Virage énergie
Working, traning and discussion place, the universities can play a key role concerning the ecological, energy and social transition by mobilising various actors (staff, professor-researchers, students, residents). Aware of these challenges, the universities and schools of Lille’s region implemeted ecological transition approaches, characterized by caractérisées par des exemplary renovations or new buildings (positive energy buildings, demonstrators, smart buildings, HQE, self-consumption ENR, revegetalisation, etc.). Is the ecological transition La transition écologique conducted within universities really or sufficiently inclusive?
The projects aims to explore smart-buildings potential such as (Smart Nodes) within "réseaux énergétiques intelligents" (Smart Grids). Among the SBnodesSG Chaire, the buildings will become smart and thus participants will become more and more active in the energy ecosystem, beyond the simple service smart grid. They will optimise individually and collectively interacting with the real-time residents Ils s'optimiseront à la fois individuellement and will become noodles of a new intelligent network.
>Lear more about the Chaire (FR)
The technological challenges of the 3rd Industrial Revolution: energy networks, buildings, transports… more intelligent by Benoit ROBYNS, deputy director of JUNIA research and Vice-President of Energy and Society Transition at the Université Catholique de Lille.