
Student Services

This page provides basic information about our services, which are available to all incoming international students, whether you are on exchange or degree-seeking. You will also receive information and guidance throughout the application and enrollment process. Please contact us if you still have questions.

Study in France
Dedicated assistance
students working with a professors

Coming to live and study in a foreign country can be a confusing and complicated process, so JUNIA’s International Relations Office provides many helpful services for our incoming international students. We are available to assist you with administrative procedures before you arrive, during your stay and even after your graduation.

An international team is ready to answer all your questions and help you before and during your stay. You can come to our office during the opening hours or contact us at our personal email addresses or at


Director of International Relations Florence MALAISE
Int. Mobility Coordinator, Europe Juliette DESCAMPS
Int. Mobility Coordinator, Northern America, Africa Priscilla JAROSZ
Int. Mobility Coordinator, Southern America, Northern Africa Mégane MARTINS
Erasmus+ Coordinator, European Programs Coordinator Vira WANNEPAIN
International Cooperation Specialist, Zone Asia and America Thanh Ly LE MINH
International Cooperation Specialist Zone Africa, Middle East and China Brandon DECRAENE
International promotion Manager Yousra EL HASSANI
International Student Guide

We have gathered information in this Welcome Guide which will hep you prepare your arrival and facilitate your first steps with JUNIA.



Non-European students are required to have a student visa. Once admitted, JUNIA will assist you as much as possible in obtaining your student visa, however we have no control over the visa application process. This process will be managed by the French diplomatic office nearest you and varies for each country. Find and contact your Campus France office to learn more about the process.

Once you have arrived in France, there are administrative procedures for validating your visa, allowing you to stay in France and travel in the Schengen Area. We provide assistance for these procedures, which are done with the regional administrative office, the Prefecture. Learn more about this process on the Prefecture website.

Housing options
City of Lille

Living in Lille

Living in Lille requires a certain budget. It takes time to find housing at a reasonable price, so JUNIA advises students to start your search as soon as possible. It is very difficult to find housing upon arrival in Lille. We strongly advise you to find a room before arriving.

In almost all cases, you will need to provide a guarantor, an individual or an organisation that will guarantee rent payment. You can use the rental guarantees VISALE or Garantme. The guarantee VISALE is free but you need to match some criteria to be eligible (to be between 18 and 30 years old). You can check if you are eligible here. Most landlords don’t accept foreign guarantors, except for ALL residences.

Different options

Beware of scams !

Never pay any rents in advance before leaving your country.

Here are a couple of items you should watch out for :

• A landlord that wants to speed up to the process because of a lack of time.

• A landlord that is away from the city and is located abroad.

• A Mandat Cash payment requested


ALL Student Residences

We recommend that students book a room in a Lille Catholic University Residence Hall. These residences are managed by an organisation named ALL and are the most convenient way for our students to find housing in Lille. ALL residences accept foreign guarantors.

Students are responsible for reserving a room, but once your online booking is done, please send us an email so that we can liaise with ALL directly on your behalf.The process to apply for housing with ALL can be long, so be sure to apply as soon as possible.

Housing services
Students in HEI's gardens

Health care


The University Multipurpose Health Center (CPSU in French) is the place where you will find different medical services and it is located a few steps away form the JUNIA schools.
Location: 47 rue du Port, 59000 Lille
Opening hours: From September to June
Monday to Thursday: 8H – 19H
Friday: 9H-18H
Find a specialist in Lille
If you need to find a specialist for a particular situation, you can also:
  • Go to the Planning Familial, an organization for any kind of health issue
  • Find an appointment with a specialist thanks to Doctolib
  • Call a doctor on duty if you have an emergency after working hours or during the weekend : Maison médicale de garde Lille Métropole – Rue Desaix Entrée par les urgences de l’hôpital St Vincent de Paul, Bd de Belfort, 59000 Lille
Self-caring A gym at your disposal
Close to our buildings, a gym offering cardio equipment, weight training and also group classes is open to all students of the Catholic University of Lille, including JUNIA. You will find the gym at 125 rue Meurein, next to the university restaurants.
Dining options

Students may use the student lounge, equipped with microwaves, as a dining area during their lunch breaks. Most of the All residences have a shared kitchen, so you are free to prepare your own meals.

In addition, the Lille Catholic University cafeteria is located at the heart of JUNIA’s main campus and is open for lunch and dinner on weekdays. Other smaller dining services are available for lunch. You can eat at the university dining halls using your ALL student services card, Crous tickets, or cash. €3.30/meal

There are also many sandwich shops and restaurants in the neighbourhood accommodating diverse tastes and dietary restrictions.


It is optional but recommended to get a complementary insurance to obtain better reimbursements. This insurance is called a mutuelle and is different from the affiliation to the Sécurité Sociale. Most students from Lille Catholic University get this coverage with SMENO, the regional student health insurance provider. The costs vary depending on the insurance option chosen (from 12 € /month).

If you are over 28 years old: You will have to follow a different procedure, which we will help you complete upon your arrival. In the meantime, we suggest you buy private health insurance to cover potential medical expenses during the first few months of your arrival.

students working in group with computers

Personal Liability Insurance

According to French law, students will be required to purchase personal liability insurance, usually included in the also mandatory housing insurance. JUNIA also highly encourages our students to purchase additional comprehensive insurance covering loss of personal documents and repatriation. Such an insurance policy can be purchased in your home country or once you arrive in France.

Workplace and School Insurance

Students are automatically enrolled in insurance covering them during all activities in the framework of their studies at JUNIA: classes, labwork, field trips, study tours, internships, etc. Students do not have to pay for this insurance, but must provide a copy of their birth certificate to be enrolled. You will receive more information upon arrival in Lille.

Career Center

An impressive 95% of JUNIA alumni find a job within 6 months of graduation, and many before they even finish their studies. Junia’s updated career center empowers all our students to take charge of their career goals by helping them develop a professional project, connecting them with industry leaders, and equipping them with the tools and knowledge to be competitive in the global workforce.

Teacher and students speaking
Useful resources
Factsheet Visa Download the document
Factsheet Health Download the document
Factsheet Insurance Download the document
Facsheet Housing Download the document
