News Testimonial

Jumpol Vorasayan, Kasetsart University, Thailand

Jumpol Vorasaya is an assistant professor at Kasetsart University in Thailand. He visited ISA Lille under the Staff Mobility in the frame of the Erasmus Plus Development Cooperation between ISA Lille and Kasetsart University .

Q: Who are you? Your name and position.

A: Jumpol Vorasayan. I’m currently an assistant professor in Kasetsart University, Thailand. I teach statistics and data analytics.

Q: What is the purpose of your visit at JUNIA?

A: I participated in the ISA International week where ISA international partners were gathered to share teaching experiences.


ISA hallway

Q: How was your experience with us?

A: It was wonderful. ISA has a system to encourage students and staff to be creative. The diversity helps us learn from different points of views. Many new multidisciplinary courses are created. The institution is really involved in education. Students are ready to work after graduation. The innovative teaching and sustainability courses that I attended really changed my perspective of how I teach and live.

Q: Something that you would like to add?

A: The City of Lille is perfect for education. Great location and size with long remarkable history.


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